790. Domino and Tromino Tiling
You have two types of tiles: a 2 x 1
domino shape and a tromino shape. You may rotate these shapes.
Given an integer n, return the number of ways to tile an 2 x n
board. Since the answer may be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7
In a tiling, every square must be covered by a tile. Two tilings are different if and only if there are two 4-directionally adjacent cells on the board such that exactly one of the tilings has both squares occupied by a tile.
Example 1:
Input: n = 3 Output: 5 Explanation: The five different ways are show above.
Example 2:
Input: n = 1 Output: 1
1 <= n <= 1000
Solution 1: Dynamic Programming
First, we need to understand the problem. The problem is essentially asking us to find the number of ways to tile a \(2 \times n\) board, where each square on the board can only be covered by one tile.
There are two types of tiles: 2 x 1
and L
shapes, and both types of tiles can be rotated. We denote the rotated tiles as 1 x 2
and L'
We define \(f[i][j]\) to represent the number of ways to tile the first \(2 \times i\) board, where \(j\) represents the state of the last column. The last column has 4 states:
- The last column is fully covered, denoted as \(0\)
- The last column has only the top square covered, denoted as \(1\)
- The last column has only the bottom square covered, denoted as \(2\)
- The last column is not covered, denoted as \(3\)
The answer is \(f[n][0]\). Initially, \(f[0][0] = 1\) and the rest \(f[0][j] = 0\).
We consider tiling up to the \(i\)-th column and look at the state transition equations:
When \(j = 0\), the last column is fully covered. It can be transitioned from the previous column's states \(0, 1, 2, 3\) by placing the corresponding tiles, i.e., \(f[i-1][0]\) with a 1 x 2
tile, \(f[i-1][1]\) with an L'
tile, \(f[i-1][2]\) with an L'
tile, or \(f[i-1][3]\) with two 2 x 1
tiles. Therefore, \(f[i][0] = \sum_{j=0}^3 f[i-1][j]\).
When \(j = 1\), the last column has only the top square covered. It can be transitioned from the previous column's states \(2, 3\) by placing a 2 x 1
tile or an L
tile. Therefore, \(f[i][1] = f[i-1][2] + f[i-1][3]\).
When \(j = 2\), the last column has only the bottom square covered. It can be transitioned from the previous column's states \(1, 3\) by placing a 2 x 1
tile or an L'
tile. Therefore, \(f[i][2] = f[i-1][1] + f[i-1][3]\).
When \(j = 3\), the last column is not covered. It can be transitioned from the previous column's state \(0\). Therefore, \(f[i][3] = f[i-1][0]\).
We can see that the state transition equations only involve the previous column's states, so we can use a rolling array to optimize the space complexity.
Note that the values of the states can be very large, so we need to take modulo \(10^9 + 7\).
The time complexity is \(O(n)\), and the space complexity is \(O(1)\). Where \(n\) is the number of columns of the board.
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